Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Prefix for AJAX Extensions CTP

Hi all,

in the migration guide it says that the AJAX Extensions CTP prefix will stay at "atlas:" but when I add a reference to my EXISTING project it has the prefix "cc1:" (in other words it hasn't been defined yet in the )

<"Microsoft.Web.Preview"Namespace="Microsoft.Web.Preview.UI"TagPrefix="cc1" %>

The workaround (for users) is obvious (changing the TagPrefix) but I wanted you guys know about it.

For the fix it would be as simple as adding the TagPrefix to the assembly something like:


PD: It works correctly though when I create a NEW project using the installed template in VS.NET 2005 (project template that generates AJAXCTPEnabledWebSiteX projects).

So what's the difference? It's the same dll right?




I think the prefix is being registered in the web.config file of the template website.

Yes, but the guide asks to add these while migrating:



Still the prefix was set to "cc1"... on EXISTING pages, not on NEW pages within existing projects. Anyway, it's a minor issue.


well, i think the prefix wasn't defined by default by the team on the atlas dll. so, if you don't define it explicitly, you'll get a default prefix while droping the controls on a page.

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