Saturday, March 24, 2012

Problem accessing the Items with a Cascading dropdown

I got a web page, inside there is a userControl with two cascading dropdown list, and i got a grid as well (it isn't inside the usercontrol). The cascading ddl are working fine, they get populated and everything, my problem is when I try to load a record from de grid I have to check if this record is inside the second cascading ddl (if it has been populated), and I cannot see the items inside my second cascading ddl (neither the normal ddl) so I cannot check if the record exists, Does anyone know how to tackle this? as well I presume that I will have problems trying to set the selected value once I've been able to check if it exists or not, Any ideas??

Thanks very much!!!!!!!


I fail to reproduce the issue. Can you show me your code?

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