Monday, March 26, 2012

preventing the tab index change if certain conditions exist


I have a form with a tab panel control

Tab container name (client id) : Tabs

I would like to know how to set and prevent the tab from moving from index 0 if the request.querystring("pid") is empty or null.

Here is my current javascript:

<scripttype="text/javascript">function PanelClick(sender, e) {

var mpid = gup('pid');

if (mpid=="") {




function ActiveTabChanged(sender, e) {var mpid = gup('pid');

if (mpid=="") {

alert("Please choose a page or create a new page first");




function SetActiveTab(tabControl, tabNumber)


var ctrl = $find(tabControl);



function gup( name ){name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");

var regexS ="[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";

var regex =new RegExp( regexS );

var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );

if( results ==null )return"";


return results[1];}


I guess all I need is the javascript reference to the active tab...

can anyone help me with this?

Ok, through a little more research, I found out how to navigate or prevent navigation of the tabs control via javascript:

Here's the code



function ActiveTabChanged(sender, e) {

var mpid = gup('pid'); // get the querystring in the url by calling the gup function below... good little snippet for querystrings in javascript.

var activeTab = $get("Tabs"); // gets the element by the id of "Tabs" and defines the control variable activeTab.

activeTab.value = sender.get_activeTabIndex(); // gets the active tab index of the control.

if (mpid=="" && activeTab.value!=0) { // if the conditions aren't right then don't allow the user to navigate to any other tab.

alert("Please choose a page or create a new page first"); // alert the user.

SetActiveTab("Tabs",0); // sets the active tabreturnfalse; // doesn't allow the process to go to another tab.



function SetActiveTab(tabControl, tabNumber)


var ctrl = $find(tabControl);



function gup( name ){name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");

var regexS ="[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";

var regex =new RegExp( regexS );

var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );

if( results ==null )return"";


return results[1];}


I hope that the scripts above can help someone else.

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