Wednesday, March 28, 2012

postbacks, atlas and search engines

I've always tried to avoid using postbacks for things like paging in e-commerce solutions to make them search engine friendly.

however I'm really keen to use Atlas for various things like paging products but this is going to force me to use postbacks.

Are there any aproaches to make make postbacks and atlas pages search engine friendly?

Take the simple example of a link to go to the next page.

Is there a way I can take a traditional nexpage link instead and 'Atlas' it?

e.g. products.aspx?brandid=3&page=3

Your best bet here is to generate an appropriate Google Sitemap file, submit links through Yahoo SiteExplorer, and hopefully MSN/ (SiteMaps ahem!!!) will soon support something similar as well. Hopefully someday soon they just support 1 XML based standard or at least multiple xml standards and write a xslt to transform sitemaps back and forth. RDF anyone? I think the browser revolution will cause this eventually.

Your Atlas structure should be able to deal with appropriate query strings and generate the requested content. Using your example, your Atlas page should check initial query string for brandId and Page and load those pages appropriately. You can use initialData for this probably if you're using data sources, or web services are even easier, just load the appopriate page.

I think the Atlas team and team work closely together, any comments? seems to be offering developers a lot of services to augment their functionality, this would definitely be up there as a feature.

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